brands on brands consulting


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#1 The Personal Branding Workbook

This short guide works directly with the book's Activity Breaks and End of Chapter Questions. Use it to take notes and to capture your stories and experiences.

#2 The Personal Brand Quiz

Take this easy online quiz to measure your current personal brand and to find out where to focus your next efforts.

#3 The 7 Steps to Personal Branding on LinkedIn

One easy place to start branding yourself today is on LinkedIn. This short guide will help you get started.

#4 The Full Interviews from the 9 Influencers in the Book

Go behind-the-scenes with nine influencers and hear the full stories of how they built their personal brands online.


Brandon leverages his years of experience in “Front & Center Leadership,” a guide packed with actionable steps to build your personal brand and become a modern leader who gets noticed. A great read for anyone looking to advance in their career.”


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